
314 Movie Reviews

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Heh Heh... "Sure You Can" Luigi...

Seeing how Mario is always getting him the shaft and never recognizes his capabilities, it's easy to understand why Luigi is so upset with himself since he has quite the inferiority complex. Luigi needs to stop hitting himself, stand up to his brother, and say "Ey! I may not have as gooduva inertia as a you, but I can a jump a so higher than and it makes for one a mean, green uppercut so [i]letsa go together.[i]

... And maybe Mario would then not reject his own brother for a goomba. Maybe.

Sonic Fans...

When did they get this creepy and unstable?

Back in the old days, being a "Sonic Fan" just meant a person who enjoys the wild, surreal, high-tech, speedy, and "way-past-cool" adventures of Sega's beloved mascot, whether it was the video games, the comics, the cartoons, or other paraphernalia... despite the "dis-canonical" nature between all products that kept the franchise from having a "coherent universe" for stories to take place. ..
(Do these funny animals live on Mobius? Or Earth? Planet Freedom? Does Sonic enjoy chili dogs, or not? Isn't he afraid of water, or did he completely conquer that fear? Didn't Sonic have a chipmunk girlfriend named "Sally Acorn"? What ever happened to Mighty the Armadillo, Nac the Weasel, and Ray the Squirrel? Who the hell is this "Chris Thorndyke" kid? I didn't see him in any of the games! Questions still remain!)

Nowadays, the fandom houses some of the worst social outcasts I've seen since the deepest, darkest underbelly of furry and anime fandoms. Very scary people more intent on paying utmost loyalty and servitude to the franchise and sharing their insidious unrelated fetishes rather then being vocal for the need for the developers to focus on the numerous gameplay and storyline problems that have been the real detriment to the franchise as a whole. Why is this? Where did this madness begat?

American Politics

A good way to ruin friendships, relationships, family, and family dinners.

Dr. Robotnik... A 300 level IQ... MY ASS!

Anyway, your short was okay. A couple flaws I can list might have to do with how slow the pacing was a bit, and how the character design were slightly off model. Still, it was good for a small laugh. The best part was the "hedgehog contacts."

BTW way, I haven't played Sonic 4 yet but, is the first level boss really that damn easy? Like, can I really take him out just by spamming the homing somersault and he'll go down before he even gets to the part where he'll spin his chain ball? Damn, just damn! That's almost as dumb as the time in Adventure when "Egghead" sent out a path of "homing attack-able" flying drones from his vehicle to Sonic saying "HA HA HA! SEE IF YOU CAN MAKE IT HERE!"

ExploadingRabbits responds:

No lol the boss isn't that easy you actually have to land before you homing attack but it's still pretty damn easy you can beat him in about 30 or 20 seconds flat but i totally agree with the sonic adventure boss that was just plain stupid also the pacing is slow cause i wanted people to enjoy that eggman drawing for a little bit but now that i watch it it is kinda slow

Bad Kitty!

It's shit like this that makes me a dog person! Cats shit, piss, puke, and scratch up everything like they own the place. They run away from home, and then they climb up the tallest trees they see...And then they expect you to get them down. Then, after all the rampaging, the devastation of expensive equipment, and totally ruining my COMPLETE BREAKFAST, they put on this "awww, I'm so kewte and innocent" look that absolutely always prevents me from kicking them in the face. Not to mention, Anonymous loves kitties, and Anonymous is always watching me, not that I would want to hurt the precious, adorable little hellspawns anyway. Speaking about hellspawn, thhat little myth about cats is probably true. That myth would be the one about how "God created the body of the cat... And the devil made the head." Cats just don't respect you.

Then again, those lolcat pictures circulating the 'boards always make up for their many faults.

falling responds:


...And Now For Something Completely Different!

I see you are a fan of Terry Gilliam too eh?

Squash him with an elephant! He's a clown, and he deserves it for being a clown! I love it when those photo people get abused with their photo parts flying everywhere! XD

So You Remember That Old 80's Toon Too Eh?

I remember there was this dorky wizard in it who was totally useless! XD
He's always be screwing up and pulled out the wrong spell! I think his name was Presto.

I remember there was this one funny Seanbaby article concerning the character in the cartoon. (He was comparing him to the Superfriends era Justice League; he was giving them all varying scores of "super ratings" from one to ten.)

I think he gave the Wizard a 2/10 or something. Harry Potter he wasn't! XD

Anyway, the art style and the character design seems to mimic the Tv show almost exactly sans the case with the backdrops and the foreground (they look a little plain and not as detailed as the backgrounds from the Tv show). Of course this clip was very short, and all I saw was that trollish dungeon master guy walking and turning and facing towards something offscreen. Welp good luck on your movie, I wonder if it's gonna be a more "darker & edgier" take on the series. You know, maybe with better writing and stuff.

dndrequiem responds:


Thank you for your comment! You are correct in stating that the backgrounds are honestly a bit flat. I'm taking them to task- and will strip the hand drawn dolmens, and much of the background to digitally paint them. Toei was best at it then, and I will attempt to match their quality as best as I can- a huge challenge considering backgrounds usually get last priority with me. That will soon change....
(As for the the script- to date, it will be from Michael Reaves.)

You are also right in stating that the characters themselves appeared close to the show. As a kid of the 80s, any effort taken to create a tribute should match it as closely as possible.

That's my goal. Let's see if it happens.

Thank you for your comment

This Is A Must See!

This flash talks about entertainment and popular culture as viewed through a cynical lens.

It yammers about how our favorite novels, comics, video games, movies, tv shows, and radio dramas affect our minds in a subtle forms of brainwashing.

Nullifying us from the outside world, and feeding our minds with impracticalities while sensationalizing actions that go against our ethics as "cool". (Hey, who doesn't think it's awesome when Milton shoots up an office building?... Well I guess a minority on that but...). Not to mention that it is all distracting us from the real horrors and problems of the word.

The flash also hits the nail on the head on the subject of taking things seriously. For if you take this message word for word, you're a batshit insane conspiracy theorist on same levels of Timothy McVeigh! D: And thus, further proving that there is no escape but "escapism."

My only problem with this flash though is Jesus &#$%! Look at the file size! Be kind on Newgrounds server, okay? Shrink it down to something reasonable that fits in my screen like maybe just 1 MB or better, 738 KB. Tom Fulp (The MAN!) doesn't like that.

This has been Alter-native, and I never appear on the internet, except on the internet... LONG LIVE THE NEW FLESH!

akoRn responds:

believe me, I tried to shrink the size as much as possible. Even lower down the quality of the sound and everything. Sorry tom! hehe
thx for the review/comment

I Love That Book.

Ernest Hemingway is the MANliest author ever!

A Good Experiment At Least.

I can see you have a deep desire to animate, and show others artistic techniques.
At first it is nothing special, but then the gradient balls come in. It's very abstract then most flashes you'll see here.
The music (which is from Zelda: The Ocarina of Time), fit well with the almost carnival-esque display of dots.

BigTippi responds:

Thank you; I'm glad that you saw my efforts and the progression of the creation as it grew.

Abuse it for good, never for evil.

Age 37, Male

Amateur Animator



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